Welcome to Our Workshops

Heartwood Healing Collective Wellness Workshops are interactive programs designed to engage, educate, and motivate you to incorporate wellness into your lives. There is much you can do on your own to jumpstart your transformation, and often all you need to get started is a class that tells you how.
Workshop topics range from nutrition and healthy eating, strategies for stressing less, striking a work-life balance, and more. Past courses included facial and head massage using guasha, abdominal self-massage, hand massage for relaxation, TCM theory of pathogens and helpful herbal formulas, Qi Gong and Food for Immune Health, seasonal nutrition, and Thai massage for pain relief.
Our workshops are always changing, so check back often to see what’s new!
Contact Heartwood Healing Collective
in Brookfield to rediscover
your heartwood and ignite
your transformation.