Food is a powerful medicine that gives our bodies the nutrients necessary to heal. We look for the root causes of your symptoms, then help you create an individualized micro-nutrition plan that improves your health. Our menu of services includes assessment, coaching, and a guided hepatic cleanse. We may also recommend manual therapy to improve physiological function of the organs and nervous system.

Functional Nutrition Assessment
We gather important data and relevant information from your health history to guide you on a personalize approach to lifestyle changes that improve your nutrition. Our assessment looks at you as a whole from the foods you eat, your surgeries or chronic illnesses, exercise routines, sleep patterns, and general life stressors to develop a baseline of where you are at before we begin functional nutrition coaching.
Functional Nutrition Coaching
Maximize what YOU need to function and heal. Minimize what is harmful to you and prioritize food behaviors and choices that support your healing. Our work includes a health analysis, guidance on course corrections, recommendations for lab testing for current dis-EASE patterns, and ongoing follow-up care.
Hepatic (Liver) Cleanse
Dietary micronutrient deficiencies and environmental exposure may cause toxins to build up in your body, which leads to loss of energy and impaired health. When toxins build up, it lowers your body’s ability to heal and increases your susceptibility to disease. Our hepatic cleanse therapy removes toxins from your body to restore balance and boost your body’s healing pathways.
Contact Heartwood Healing Collective
in Brookfield to rediscover
your heartwood and ignite
your transformation.